7 FREE yoga classes to help you sleep!

Move. Breathe. Pray. Rest.

Sign up for our newsletter and receive an email each day with links to the classes!

How do you sleep?

Research has shown that a lack of proper sleep can negatively affect your memory, ability to concentrate, mood, contribute to higher blood pressure and weight gain, and even lower your sex drive. And that’s just the beginning.

We want to help you sleep better. While there can be many reasons for struggling with sleep and experiencing better sleep, a National Survey showed that 55% of yoga users reported better sleep!

Add in prayer and breath work in the presence of God, and we hope you will find greater peace and rest! 

7 Days

FREE classes on YouTube combining gentle movement, prayer, and Scripture. Each class is designed to help you relax in the presence of God and sleep better.

10-15 min

Each class is only 10-15 minutes long, meaning you don’t have to change a ton in your schedule to join this challenge and discover better sleep as well as a closer connection with God.


Enough said.

We all know how good this part is.

The Classes

Day 1 - Gentle Stretch & Welcoming Prayer

A gentle class combined with welcoming prayer, a practice that invites you to enter into what you are feeling, listen to it, and release it in the presence of God.

Day 2 - Release Anxiety

In this class almost completely consisting of postures where we are lying down (yay!), we cast our anxieties upon Jesus.

Day 3 - Be Still & Know

A simple prayer for a calming practice.

Day 4 - Remember & Trust

Jesus’ teaching on worry invites us to bring and release our worries on the mat.

Day 5 - Release Control & Rest

St. John of the Cross & a simple prayer guide this class on deliverance & control

Day 6 - Focus on Gratitude

A relaxing class centered on Jesus’ promise of peace in John 14:26.

Day 7 - Just Be Present

In the final class of the challenge, we listen for and allow the Holy Spirit to pray for us as Paul proclaims in Romans 8.

Join the Challenge!

Sign up to our newsletter below to be receive daily emails with links to the new practices each day during the challenge!

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