Season of Gratitude

In this series on gratitude, we explore gratitude as a habit, how to practice it, how it affects us, and where we find gratitude in Scripture.

Gratitude as Practice

We explore gratitude as a habit, that gratitude is the celebration that everything is a gift from God, and invite the community into a practice for cultivating gratitude

Gratitude in Difficult Times

We explore gratitude in the midst of suffering, grief, and other difficult times. We explore what it means to experience gratitude during these times and how to practice it as a spiritual discipline even when we aren’t feeling it.

Gratitude in Everything

In the final episode in the “Season of Gratitude”, we discuss gratitude as part of the foundation of all of life and look at how we can cultivate a lifestyle of giving thanks in all things.

Guided Meditation & Reflection on Gratitude

Phil guides a meditation on gratitude, offers some reflections on gratitude, and concludes with a reading of Psalm 139. Whether or not you have ever meditated, you are invited to make space for a few minutes to practice gratitude and make space for the Holy Spirit!

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