Ruah Space Blog
What Tank?
My wife and I moved to a small town a couple of years ago. It’s out in the country and we usually have to travel a good 20 or 30 minutes to reach civilization. Like most people, we have our normal routes we take every time we go somewhere and we don’t veer too much from what we know. I like to do most of the driving and I have discovered that I am more of a destination guy than an enjoy-the-journey guy. I want to get where I am going and I don’t always pay too much attention to my surroundings in the course of completing my mission.
The Art of Making Space
Did you know that you can physically see something yet not recognize that you are seeing it? Studies, and some hilarious videos, prove that what our eyes see doesn’t always translate to our brain. Like this video by researchers Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons, for example. Watch it closely, and count how many times the kids wearing white shirts pass the ball to each other (don’t read ahead before watching!):
What is Ruah?
There is a Rabbinical saying that “God doesn’t waste ink.” Among the many things this means, one is that there are no coincidences in Scripture. God has chosen specific words and phrases to reveal God’s self to us. I love this because it shows just how much depth there is to God’s revelation.