I experienced something odd today that has really got me thinking. My eyes and brain unconsciously registered something on my computer and prompted action on my part all without me being aware of any of it.

It all started because I often take pictures with my phone of interesting things in books that I want to remember and then save them on my computer. Today, I was reading a fascinating book, so I was taking a lot of pictures, and then airdropping them to my Mac. Something fascinating happened that I think has some important implications for our awareness.

After I airdropped the first picture, I went back to reading my book. Partway down the page, however, I realized I was singing “my comforter, my all in all, here in the power of Christ I stand.” It was nice to be spontaneously worshipping but I found it curious why that song had suddenly popped into my head.

I kept reading, found something else interesting, took a picture, and airdropped it over to my computer again. When I went to to move it into my notes file, however, I saw something out of the corner of my eye that instantly grabbed my attention. Can you guess what I saw right below my new airdropped note file?

Yes, a PDF to the lyrics and chords for “In Christ Alone.”

The first time I had moved the notes from the computer, my brain picked up on the “In Christ Alone” PDF that was sitting right there and started singing the lyrics, but it had not fully registered in my conscious mind that I had seen the document. It all happened on an automatic, subconscious level. Something I didn’t even know that I had seen was impacting my actions.

It was a happy effect in this case, but it got me thinking about the number of things that must influence my thoughts, emotions, and even bodily experiences every day that I’m not even fully aware of. I don’t have an exact answer as to what we can do about this, but it did make me more aware of the fact that I need to be mindful of the things that I am allowing into my mind and body.

If I am not intentional about these inner workings, then I am being shaped by forces I am not even aware of.

Friends, be curious about how the world around you is impacting you. What you see and hear, both intentionally and unintentionally. Your mind, body, and soul are soaking it all in and it’s all shaping you. What is fascinating is how you are being shaped in some ways without realizing it. For me, this was a call to greater mindfulness and awareness of these forces at work. It is a call to be more aware of what I am processing, why, and how it is affecting me.

If I am not intentional about these inner workings, then I am being shaped by forces I am not even aware of. I may intentionally engage in all sorts of practices to help me grow in humility, love, mercy, grace, and wholeness while unknowingly engaging in sights and sounds that are forming me in the exact opposite directions.

It’s probably not possible to completely reverse this. But I can tell you this, with so much unintentionally making its way in, I don’t have space for allowing in unhelpful things intentionally.

May you make space today to be more aware and more curious.