Lectio Divina, or the Sacred Reading of Scripture, is something everyone can practice to grow in their faith. While the name sounds fancy, the steps are simple to follow, and believers in every step of their faith journey will find this spiritual practice to be transformative.

To prepare to do Lectio Divina, grab your Bible and find some space and time to be present and uninterrupted. We recommend setting aside at least 10 minutes for this practice.
Pick a small passage of Scripture to read: 6-8 verses is generally a good guideline. It can be from any book of the Bible. We recommend going to the Psalms or the Gospels if you aren’t sure where you want to start.
Take a few deep breaths and settle in. Let yourself be present in this moment, and give any thoughts that are swirling through your mind over to God. Don’t be upset if this takes some time and practice – training our minds and connecting with our Spirit is hard work!
1-Read the passage out loud. Take your time!
Now, take a few minutes to reflect on what word or phrase stands out to you.
2-Read the same passage out loud a second time.
Now, take a few minutes to ponder why this word or phrase is standing out to you today. Chances are you’ll have some strong emotions tied to this – perhaps joy, relief, guilt, sadness, or fear as you connect with what Scripture says.
3-Read the same passage out loud a third time.
Now, reflect for a few minutes on how God is inviting you to respond to this word or phrase that is impacting you. Is God encouraging you? Challenging you? Admonishing you? Loving on you?
4-Read the same passage out loud a fourth and final time.
Close your session by allowing a few minutes for gratitude to God for speaking to you through this passage, and resolve to take action and live out what was revealed to you today.
You may wish to end by saying a short prayer such as the Lord’s Prayer, or simply ask God to continue speaking with you as you continue through your day.
We practice Lectio Divina live on Facebook as a community every Sunday at 8pm CST. Join us for prayer, Lectio Divina, and discussion. You can find us on Facebook here.