“The issues are in the tissues” is one of my favorite phrases. I have come to see that our bodies truly store all the stuff we go through. I used to just ignore it all and I can’t explain to you the difference it’s made as I’ve started to name it and deal with it. The problem was, this strategy wasn’t working. I wasn’t feeling like myself. My blood pressure was sky high. I had random pains.

The stuff needed to get out. I needed to release it body, mind, and spirit.

I’ve discovered that healing such is possible, especially when we take it all to the ultimate healer, Yahweh Rophe, The God Who Heals. For me, this has meant a lot of time on my yoga mat stretching my body while praying and worshipping. Integrating the physical with the spiritual has lead to deeper healing than I could have previously imagined.

I especially love the story of Bartimaeus in Mark 10. Bartimaeus was a blind man who called out to Jesus when he was visiting the city where Bartimaeus lived. The crowds told him to be quiet, but Jesus heard his voice and invited him to come to him. When Bartimaeus ran up to him, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you” (Mark 10:51 NIV)?

I invite you to hear Jesus asking you this question today: What do you want me to do for you?

In the case of Bartimaeus, he asked to receive his sight, and Jesus healed him. He physically healed Bartimaeus and this healing changed his life.

For me, physical, relational, mental, and spiritual healing has come through time on the mat, time in prayer, and learning to take better care of myself. God has met me where I am each time and invited me into greater life. It may not always happen in my timing or exactly how I would like, but God has always shown up and comforted me. God has healed me.

This reclined pigeon posture is one of my favorites for this healing work. It’s relaxing yet gets in deep. Lots of time in this posture has led to lots of healing. It’s one of the spaces where Jesus asks me what I want Him to do for me and I get to share where I’m at.

What are your favorite postures for healing? How might God be inviting you to bring your stuff to God today and how might God be meeting you right there in it?

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3 NIV